Tuesday, July 12, 2011
We are going to start a series of information in Urdu and in English for Great Muslims Who lead the World towards the Knowledge and Wisdom today The Europe and others have. Today as a Muslim We are Much Behind the West and the main cause of this is that We have left our teachings and Quran and today are considered as only terrorist other so called labels which the international media has given us. As Muslims it is right time for us to awake ourselves from the day dreams and follow the path of our ancestors Who were the torch bearers for the rest of the world. Today We have the religion scholars in thousands but How many scientist we have in the world may we can count them on finger tips.This is the main reason of our failure. We have made difference between our religion and Science. But the big reality is that Islam is the religion in which every principle is explained and it emphasis both on modern and religious education. We have to recheck our directions. We have to promote education and education not meant to produce degree holders only like in our country Pakistan in which degrees are in abundant but the real brains are rare Who can uplift us. Click Here for Detail about Jabir ibn Hayyan in EnglsihJabir bin Hayyan in Urdu
Note: All the detail here in Urdu is translated from "Wikipedia" errors and omissions are accepted
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